Holistic Health Choices

  Holistic health sees the body as an inter-related organism. Its goal is to treat the whole person (body, mind, and spirit) as opposed to merely treating a particular sickness.

   When dealing with the reality of illness and pain, doctors will take one of two approaches in treatment:

    Homeopathy: A method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated (a very effective form of natural medicine).

   Allopathic: The usual method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects differing from those produced by the disease itself (drug, cut, or burn the patient).

Basically, "holistic health" refers to an "approach" to healing a person; whereas "homeopathic" refers to a "method" of "treatment." Thus, the homeopathic treatment is based upon the holistic approach of healing the sick.

Allopathic medicine on the other hand is treats your symptoms and NOT the underlying cause of your disease or ailment. As a result, Allopathic medicine can be very frightening   Please don't misunderstand me... I thank God for doctors.  But many medical doctors are nothing less than legalized drug-dealers, prescribing drugs and more drugs (many of which are dangerous).  Most of the time they know nothing about the drugs they prescribe to their patients, and that makes their endeavors to treat an illness questionable, to say the least.

To add to the danger, they make you feel like you have no choice. That you most take the medication they prescribe to get better. When in all likely hood it will not even touch you problem, or only add to it. I know from experience.

 I was given a high blood pressure med that put me in the hospital. One of the side effects was that it could cause phenomena. And of course I reacted accordingly. When my doctor was confronted with that reality that I did react to the meds, he did not change the prescription; less evasive. Instead he added a higher dose of the same meds and added another prescription as well. Evidently, he thought I was stupid, so I changed doctors.

Eventually, I choose to walk a more holistic path which gave me the choice to say “no!” to Allopathic methods that I did not trust. And to say,  “yes!” to homeopathic methods. I said; “ yes!” to changing my diet. I said; “ yes!” to allowing the Lord to guide my steps, leading down the right path that was for me.

Biblically, there is nothing wrong with treating the whole person. In fact, it is the proper way to treat an illness.


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